What a busy holiday season it has been! Todd and Gary have been taking karate classes together. The passed their belt advancement test and are now yellow belts!
We are always excited when the leaves start to fall. We have more fun than work when it comes to piling them up! The pile usually stays a few days until the wind blows it away or it finally makes it to the garbage. The kids just have too much fun jumping in them! I grew up in a yard with not a single tree so this is still super fun to me too!
Thanksgiving was a treat as always! For the last six years (I think) I have been making my family write in a thankful book. This year we threw a twist in the tradition by making each person draw a letter of the alphabet. Whatever they wrote about had to have that letter as it's starting letter (or at least one of the words letters). It turned out some fun results! Made people think outside their normal list :)

Our new loved tradition, going to an Aggie football game, was absolutely fabulous this year! The sun was warm, the air was crisp, it was the perfect weather for a football game! And, we won :D
In December we were busy with parties and performances! Miss Liv danced a jazz and ballet routine in the winter recital. She's been taking the class with one of her good friends, so it's been an extra treat!
We traveled to Salt Lake for the annual Montgomery Christmas party. Every year we squeeze our ever growing family into the basement for the nativity, some songs, games, and a special visit from Mr. and Mrs. Claus! We always end up spoiled and having had a good time!
Miss Liv played the violin in her school orchestra. She is really enjoying this new talent :) I am happy because I don't have to fight her to practice! And she likes it cause she gets to play songs with her Gma Linda!
Gma Young hosted another fun Christmas party at her home. They have a lot more grandkids to put on their nativity. I guess that happens when Gma and Gpa had seven kids! I'm grateful for grandparents that still like to spoil their large families :)
Overall Christmas was a success! Everyone got what they wanted or got surprised with something they didn't know they were getting! Liv and Todd both got fevers Christmas Eve so we weren't able to celebrate with family like we normally do. That was a little odd. But thankfully both were able to get up and enjoy the morning! Liv's fever didn't come back, Todd wasn't as fortunate. Turned out he had pneumonia, but thankfully he actually went to a doctor after a couple days and was able to get the medicine he needed to start feeling better!
To end 2013 we lit sparklers... lots of them! And welcomed 2014, as it is going to be full of more fun stuff! Including a new baby in July :D