Friday, April 8, 2011

Todd's Moment of Fame

My honey made it on the front page of the Community section in the Spectrum newspaper Wednesday! He cooked for three days for a special event that his HRHM class put on for the Retail Alliance in Cedar City Wednesday. Here he's using a huge ladle to spoon Raspberry Chili Chutney into warming pans. I'm so proud of him. And I'm very grateful that he likes to cook. I love to plan parties and bake, but when it comes to meals I'm no good... so he's a lot of help to have around! Love you, Babe!

p.s. His major isn't in culinary or hotel management, he took this class as an elective for fun... even though it's one of the hardest ones. He's a business management major, and will be graduating in May, YAY!

1 comment:

Wardles said...

Very cool! Also, I wanted to say congrats on your new baby! She's beautiful! =)