Monday, November 12, 2012

Month of Gratitude - Day 12

I am grateful for my father-in-law, Gary Young!  He loves my kiddos so much!  He plays games with them, he teaches them, he entertains them with magic and other silly things.  I am grateful for the love he has for others.  And I am especially grateful for the example of service he has set.  He is always available to help make something, fix something, do a job for you, or make you yummy cookies!  He doesn't sit still very often because he is usually busy doing something for someone else.  A great example of the influence he's had... him and his neighbor both have long driveways, so every Wednesday nights he drags out his garbages AND his neighbors.  While we lived with him and Karlene my would always invite my kids to help him do this.  A couple weeks ago Olivia told me that she missed taking the garbages out with Grandpa!  Whenever we're around Wednesdays Liv makes it a point to see if Gpa has made the trip yet, if not then she's happy to join him!  Thanks, Gary, for setting such a good example for myself and my kids and raising a son (my husband, Todd) who also finds service incredibly important!

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