Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My New Look

I love getting my hair done, I get out of the house and turn into a different woman!  Then it grows out and I do it all over again!  It's fun, and, I guess, proof that I am a woman :)  Anyways, I thought I'd post this one since last time I changed my look it was right before I went to Salt Lake to visit my dad.  I didn't tell him then & I think he had a real hard time recognizing me... so this one's for you dad!  


Anonymous said...

Who is this women, you look great look forward to seeing you. love you Dad

Chellie said...

Love it! You're gorgeous no matter what!

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Changing your "do" is so much fun! I just did it this week too, although still blonde, it's much shorter and lots of fun highlights. Love it!

You look great with such a great fall style!

Unknown said...

You look great! I love it. Isn't it fun to change things up every so often?