Yesterday we had the wonderful opportunity of listening to Nate & the Granite Youth Symphony play in the park at Hurricane, Utah. Every summer this symphony of select students from the Granite School

District in Salt Lake city go on tour. This year they traveled all over the south west of the US. They've been to the San Diego Zoo, Sea World, the beaches of southern California, they went to see the Blue Man Group, then the Grand Canyon, and then yesterday they stopped in a town near us before they went on to Cedar City to watch

Fiddler on the Roof, and then finish the trip off in Bryce Canyon. At each place they perform before they get to site see they perform. I was so grateful that I was able to listen to them. During the school year their songs are classical, but for the summer tour they are a whole lot of fun! It was extremely hot, EXTREMELY, I can't imagine playing (especially wind, which, by the way, Nate plays the Clarinet). Living down in southern Utah I don't get to see

my "little" brother perform much, so this was so fun for me to have the chance to watch him again. Especially since he graduated this year so this is his last time touring with the group! Honestly, though, what I liked the most is that I had a great opportunity to take great pictures of Nate performing! Good Job Nate!!