Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lake Powell & Our Birthday Party

This weekend we headed to Lake Powell with Todd's family. They decided that for their family getaway they would also like to enjoy the funness of the lake. Only this was going to be a whole new experience for my little family because we would be camping on the beach across from Lone Rock. Well, except for a few of us... Karlene had rented a hotel room for the girls, except Karlie cause she's tough. Still, it turned out to be quite the adventurous weekend! By the end of the first day we had gotten stuck multiple times in the soft sand trying to find a speck of beach to call our own, and again when trying to head to the hotel. The beautiful Ariel cake at had gotten for our birthday celebration on Saturday was no longer round, and I had two giant blisters on the back of my heals. Yet, we were able to finish it off with yummy roasted marshmallows! The second day, Saturday, July 12th was my birthday! My sweet little boy, being startled by waking up in a strange new place, got me up at 6:30am. We left the room to let the others sleep in and found seven sweet gray bunnies with white fluffy tails eating a grassy breakfast. My favorite part came later that day when I got to take some totally awesome pictures of the guys jumping the wake on their wakeboards! That night we celebrated mine & Liv's birthday with a birthday Luau (hence the Ariel atop the cake... the princess of the sea). The wind had stopped blowing sand everywhere long enough for us to have barbecued terriyaki chicken. By the way, we once had two torches until Todd spilt oil all down the side of one... when it was lit the whole thing became one giant flame! But the sand started up again so we gathered inside the tent for the unwrapping of presents, pinata, and cake! That night, probably due to being completely worn out, the kids slept much better. Sunday my blisters had finally hardened and I was able to play in the water with my kids, which was very refreshing. We had been blessed with overcast weather so the temperature topped off around 96, but on Sunday the clouds were gone & it was VERY hot! Packing up everything took too long, but eventually was done & then we were homeward bound. It wasn't my favorite trip, but it was definitely unforgettable!


Wardles said...

I'm so sorry the trip turned out not as great as you would wish. It sounds like all in all, you had a fun birthday party though! Happy belated birthday!

Kolbi Young said...

An unforgettable trip, that it was! And my favorite part was sitting on the beach alone, reading and listening to my ipod.....sad, I know ;) Thanks for keeping me company!!!

I'm also going to "borrow" some of your photos....I hope that is okay. The family shot turned out great! Nice photography skills ;)

tami and todd said...

Kolbs, I'm going to email you pictures asap so you can have better quality photos.

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

You will have lots of stories to tell your grandchildren! :)

Really, just being with people you love is enough!

Aly said...

Happy Birthday to both of you!!!! And I have to admit I have quite the jealous bone of all of your AWESOME lake trips!!! (even though this one wasn't everything that you wished for) It still looks wonderful:)

Chellie said...

Happy Birthday! I love the pictures!