Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ten Years Ago...

One of my favorite blogger, Fantastic Five, did a post on where she was ten years ago. I thought this was a great idea, then I realized that ten years ago I was in seventh grade & twelve years-old. I decided to check out my journal anyways and see what I was up to. I ended up rolling over laughing cause January of 1997 I did something classic...

On January 24th, 1997 I threw a party at my house while my parents were out of town and I was babysitting my brothers. They knew I was going to have friends over... of the sort, but of course the whole idea was to invite boys over. I even remember bribing my little brothers not to tell mom and dad (although I'm not sure with what... maybe getting to stay up later? I wonder if they remember!) It was great fun... until the next day. In church the next morning one of the boys' dad told me dad told my dad that he thought it was great that he trusted me enough to have a party while they were out. I am so grateful that we were in the church house that day or else I probably would've died! I remember being terrified to leave the building after I saw the look in my dad's eyes as he told me to get to the car. I don't blame my dad for his reaction... I did something really wrong. I definitely learned my lesson & worked real hard to earn their trust back. It was not a good idea overall. And while it's a fun learning experience to look back on I will never forget how heartbroken I was when I realized I had disappointed my parents.

What a memory to come across... now you all should post what you were doing ten years ago!


Half a Dozen said...

That is so much fun! I laugh at some of the things I journalled and most of it was about dating The Doc. At the same time it is really neat to see where we have been, how much we have grown, and where we hope to be.

Heather said...

You are awesome. That is quite the experience. I can just picture your dad's face!