Thursday, January 31, 2008

Scrapbooking Texas

I got busy while the creativity was there & finally got my Texas trip scrapbooked (at least for my own scrapbook)! If you couldn't tell, I'm really working on journaling so that my kids, others, and myself as well will be able to remember what was going on, who was there, and why it was important. It's been a challenge but a really good addition to my pages!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

"Ahhh Ha Ha Ha"
Click here for more wordless wednesdays.

Monday, January 28, 2008

In Loving Memory

President Gordon B. Hinckley, prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, passed away Sunday night. He was/is such a sweet and fun man. I especially loved his playful personality, he's very unique! It's been interesting to listen to what people will remember him most for. He was the prophet for 13 years, as long as those my age can remember, so his influence was incredible. It's also reminded me of several things I've overlooked... "The Six Bs", the obvious conference center and all the temples he's had built, and so on. But I mostly enjoy the personal stories. For me, it was a talk he gave the spring of my 8th grade year (1998) titled "Living Worthy of the Girl You Will Someday Marry." I know the title doesn't make sense, but what it is is a talk he gave at the Priesthood Session of General Conference that year. It's telling the young men how to live worthy of their future wives. I was awestruck by his respect for women (especially young women in this case), it made me want to be that young woman he was talking about, to live my life worthy of those standards he's setting for the men as well! These are his words:
"As I looked at that gathering of beautiful young women (at a Young Women's Conference the previous week) the question moved through my mind, 'Are we rearing a generation of young men worthy of them? Those girls are so fresh and vibrant. They are beautiful. They are bright. They are able. They are faithful. They are virtuous. They are true. They are simply wonderful. They are simply wonderful and delightful young women."
The talk was amazing to me, and as a Young Women at such an impressionable time in life, they were words I wouldn't forget and I read many times over again! He is going to be greatly missed, because he was so incredible. Knowing what I know (and other's know who have a testimony of this gospel) he is now with his wife after fulfilling a marvelous long life. And the church will not waver because it has been so well organized, by God himself, that there are things being done so that we, the members, will be sustaining the new prophet before we know it. It is all a great thing and we are all so grateful for the time we shared with Pres. Hinckley!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Spotlight

Winter - a time of year I have disliked for a long time. Enough so that I used to sing "I'm dreaming of a green Christmas" and wished to move far south and away from the cold Utah weather. Jeff Foxworthy said my feelings in this:
"If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction, you live in Utah."
But this year I have really enjoyed the snow... I figure it has to be for two reasons: My truck's four wheel drive that makes driving through snow a breeze. And, most importantly, Liv LOVES the snow this year! We have now made two snowmen and now looking forward to another good snow to make another! It makes the bleak weather report look okay... this week it looks like Utah will be dumped on again. Plus, Liv likes to name her snowmen just as though they were another friend or toy. The first of the season was named Bob and the second Larry "Like Grandpa Larry," she said! That was special, but he only lasted a couple days, so now she's looking forward to the next snowstorm. Where before I would grumble, now I'm also excited for snow so I can go play in it with my daughter as she discovers all the fun mysteries it holds!

p.s. My other favorite "You might live in Utah..." Jeff Foxworthy sayings:

"If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you live in Utah."
"If "vacation" means going anywhere south of Salt Lake City for the weekend, you live in Utah."
"If you measure distance in hours, you live in Utah."
"If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you live in Utah."
"If you have switched from "heat" to "A/C" and back again in the same day, you live in Utah."
"If you can drive 75 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you live in Utah."
"If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you live in Utah."
"If the speed limit on the highway is 75 mph -- you're going 80, and everyone is still passing you, you live in Utah."

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Man of La Mancha

This was a fun weekend... the family gathered together in St. George to watch my father-in -law, Gary, in his first play ever! Gary married a sweet woman, Karlene, who loves to perform and has been in and directed hundreds of plays. Gary would go to all of these plays to support his wife even though it was not his first choice. When we found out that Gary had actually decided to be in one, we were so shocked and excited! So the play was The Man of La Mancha which I really enjoyed. I especially loved Don Quixote's speech at the beginning of the second act:

"Call nothing thine except thy soul.
Love not what thou art, only what thou may become.
Do not pursue pleasure or thou mayest have the misfortune to overtake it.
Look always forward. In last year's nests there are no birds.
Be just to all men, courteous to all women.
Live in the vision of the one for whom great deeds are done... "

Friday, January 18, 2008

Flashback Friday

I read these questions over at Sensational Six & thought they'd make a great flashback friday. It is great to reminisce on the year past to remember all the good and learn from the bad that comes in 365 days!

  • What did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before? Digital scrapbooking and glass bead making.
  • Did you keep your new year's resolutions and will you make more for the new year? The only resolution I remember making a resolution that in 2007 I would read the biographies of the LDS prophets (at least Joseph Smith) but that didn't happen. For the new year the only resolution I'm making is to live in the moment. To read more on this check out this post.
  • Did anyone close to you give birth? The day Gary turned one Mindy gave birth to her second son. My life-long friend, Sheena, gave birth to Kate. And Heather welcomed Hadley to her family!
  • Did anyone close to you die? Unfortunately, yes. My high school sweetheart, Brian Monk, passed away in December.
  • What countries did you visit? I was able to visit Mexico by way of cruise last spring!
  • What was your biggest achievement of the year? Learning how to make glass beads and potty training Liv!
  • What was your biggest failure? Succumbing to depression.
  • What was the best thing you bought? Plane tickets for our vacations. Well worth not having to drive with kids!
  • Whose behavior merited celebration? My brother-in-law, Taber, who's life was rocky but then he made the bold choice to join the Marines and has now matured into quite the young man!
  • Where did most of your money go? I swear, it all went to crayons... But also mortgage, other bills, vacation, and Liv's preschool (money well spent for sure!)
  • What song will always remind you of 2007? Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus as well as Into the Ocean and Calling You by Blue October
  • What was your favorite TV program? Samantha Who?, So You Think You Can Dance, Pushing Daisies, and Desperate Housewives
  • What was the best book you read? The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
  • What was your greatest musical discovery? I still love learning how to play the violin!
  • What was your favorite film? I had a hard time racking my brain for this one, but at least one I really enjoyed was Stardust.
  • What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? I went to lunch with family then had cake and ice cream with just my little family plus Dad and the boys. To read more click here.
  • What kept you sane? Many hot baths and several girls night outs including beading nights and institute with Laura.
  • What political issue stirred you the most? Here in Utah we had the big vote on school vouchers... whether or not to give money back to families whose kids attend private schools.
  • Who do you miss? Of course, my mom... it doesn't seem to get easier over time, unfortunately.
  • Tell us a valuable lesson you learned in 2007? To live in the moment... which is why it's my new year resolution!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dinosaur Museum

Today was a whole lot of fun. Todd, Gary and myself went with Liv on her field trip to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. I love these opportunities to watch Liv interact with her peers. Today she was more reserved, but she has begun to make friendships which makes me so excited for her and her future! Both the kids loved all the exhibits, especially those that were hands on. My favorite exhibit was the star walkway, a room that makes you feel as if you're walking in space surrounded by starlight! At the end of the tour the kids get to play in a sand pit and uncover "dinosaur bones" with brushes just like paleontologists. This was quite the experience... my kids are definitely their genders, Liv is definitely a girly-girl whereas Gary is pure boy. Yet when we got to this last exhibit Gary started throwing a fit when the sand got on his hands, it was weird cause usually he doesn't give getting dirty a second thought. Whereas Liv enjoyed playing for quite a while. Interesting! It was definitely a great time, though, I'd love to do it again!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Creative Juices

I've been in a creative slump for a long time now, and I'm now about a year behind in my scrapbooking. It was a deal I made with myself... see I never thought I'd be a scrapbooker, way too much work. But after I had Liv and piles of pictures I knew I needed to do something. So I joined the scrapbooking moms and started the new hobby with the promise that I'd only do so if I stayed on top of things and didn't fall behind. This is because I knew it'd stress me out, which is why, I think, I haven't been able to get the creative juices flowing. Plus, then I switched over to digi-scraping, which I do love, but it is a different technique that I am still getting the hang of. Anyways, so the scrapbook bug has finally hit me, so I've been working on getting inspiration from where ever I can. Anyways, so I've been able to get some pages created & just wanted to share!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Digital Scrapbooking

I know that I claim to be a digi-scrapper but I have rarely posted any layouts in the last year. But I want you all to know it's not because I really don't do it, instead it's because what I was doing was making little scrapbooks for mine and Todd's parents for Christmas. As you can see, I couldn't post them and ruin their gift. So now I am putting up a slideshow so I can share those pages with you! I really do love digital scrapbooking, and here are the reasons...
1. It is so much more convenient. With traditional scrapbooking I'd have to wait until I was away from the kids or after they went to bed because of all the supplies I had to haul out. Of course they want to play with whatever mom is playing with. But with digi scrap I can just open up my laptop while they are watching cartoons or playing and work on a page or two without them wanting to play with all the little pieces.
2. I love that I can use paper, embellishments, and such over and over!
3. I can use a lot more pictures on a page because it's so easy to size them without having to order them in wallets. Or, make them larger so a favorite picture can really be spotlighted & not have to pay the extra money to have the photo enlarged.
4. I have every layout saved on my computer and cds as well as on photomax where they save the files on a hard drive in the granite vaults here in the rocky mountains.
I am sure there are several others, but there are the top ones for now!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Family Pictures

Since it rarely happens that we can get the whole Young family together we took advantage of the Christmas holiday to get an updated family picture. These pictures were taken Christmas Eve-morning & turned out real nice. These are some of my favorites. We're all there except baby Koda who was with his mom for his first Christmas. I think we all look pretty darn good!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wordless Wednesday (sorta)

I love the relationship between my husband and my daughter... it makes my heart fill with Joy!Click here for more wordless wednesdays!

Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year's Eve

I know, it's a little late, but I've had a hard time realizing it's a new year. I've given up on new year resolutions, but that hasn't stopped me from pondering what I want from 2008. I think I've concluded that I just want to live in the moment, do what I want instead of a schedule or agenda. That may sound easy enough to some of you, but it is a huge life change for me, but a very healthy one! Anyways, New Year's Eve was a BLAST! It is the first time in three years that we've actually stayed at a party until midnight!! We headed to my grandparents' place at 8pm where the family had gathered. Gary fell asleep on the drive there, so we were able to get him into my gma's bed where he slept until 11:30... that made for a nice fun night without bickering kids, which is why we made it until midnight. We had a good time playing games, eating from a buffet of yummy food, and a lot of laughing! It was a fun celebration of 2007 and a great way to ring in 2008! I hope that you all have a wonderful new year!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Rebel Angels

I loved this book, Rebel Angels by Libba Bray, it more than makes up for the climax that was lacking from The Great and Terrible Beauty (now that I understand it's a trilogy it makes a whole lot of sense). The whole book was jammed pack with action! I love the two lives that Gemma is living and all that is involved in each of them. Although, sometimes I wonder... if times doesn't move in this world while they're in the realms why didn't they just go there, take care of business, then move on? Often times they put it off, and that just doesn't make sense to me. Well, except that it is a terrifying experience. I love the Victorian era's etiquette. It is to the extreme, but I feel like etiquette is a fading attribute these days and that makes me sad. I think what I love most about the book is that it combines two of my favorite book settings... magical realms and the 1900s, fantasy and reality of beautiful times. I loved it & can't wait to read the last book!